Stars Reach - Unveiled

There has been a years long dry-spell in MMO games that avoid major mistakes (such as having mandatory PvP... or creating a massive grind... or eliminating meaningful loot and instead tell players to make it all). Those mistakes have sunk many games over the years yet some development studios continue to make them. The Ultima Online model has proven hugely successful and resilient. Adventure anywhere... with anyone... collect tons of loot.. have a house... hoarde like you are in Skyrim... and foster community/guild growth and development. Raph Koster (aka: Designer Dragon) is one of the brains behind that vision and he and the rest of the UO team created a masterpiece that lives on to this day. It is because of that success, and many of the ideas Raph has espoused over the years in his talks and in his writing, that we have great faith and excitement over what he and the team at Playable Worlds are trying to do with Stars Reach. We are in the early days, but initial information shared gives us hope that the drought of quality MMOs, with a backbone that can make them last, may be coming to an end.

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