Two Members Passing...

The Syndicate lost two friends in 2019. Both were unexpected and at a relatively young age. Greg Micher, who we knew as Casmond, had been a member since 2007. We first met him in person during the Boston, MA SyndCon where he attended with his wife and his young kids. They are not so young now, and his son reached out to let us know about his passing, unexpectedly, from multiple heart attacks. Casmond stood out as always having a positive attitude and always looking for a path forward, never grousing about an issue or things outside his control.

Roger Eden, who we knew as Creature, was a similarly upbeat and positive person. He passed due to complications from a health condition, but that too was unexpected. Having also joined us in 2007 he too had been a member over a decade. Known as someone always willing to stop what he was doing and help out a member who needed something, he was liked by all and will also be missed by his teammates.

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