PHD Escapism StudyStudy
During the first quarter of 2009, Syndicate members participated in a research study for two PHD candidates at the Delft University of Technology. They were studying Escapism in gaming. The study allowed them to use discourse analysis to come up with a number of 'types' of escapism and to draw some conclusions on how escapism can be used in other studies. An excerpt from the article is:
But above all we want to highlight to the academic community that it is not a good idea to use such a multifaceted and contested construct as escapism. You will never know the real motivation of a player who responded to an item. It is better to ask more specific questions, such as “Do games relief you from stress?” instead of “Do you like the escapist aspect of games?”.
You can read the summary of the study via the final communication to the participants in our Articles section (under the year 2009), here:
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