"Itzi's Story - Chapter 1"

The wind blew hard this day in the GreaterFeydark. The dark elf stood there amongst the trees and scowled.

"Bloody weather. I'll be damned if I am to stay in this foul fresh air for more than a day... all this for a bunch of filthy, lethargic, vile orcs! Never in my life have I ever been so humiliated. I can feel the pathogens crawling over my body!" The Dark elf coughed as he looked down at his black robes. They flowed in the wind and had a certain air around them. The scent smelled somewhat of a mix of pleasant roses and jasmines, but combined with the smell of decay, no doubt from the bone chips and bat skeletons he kept in his hidden pouches. Spell components, used in simple spells no doubt, but the one who would look upon this necromancer and underestimated him, had made a very inaccurate assumption. This was a very powerful one indeed, few challenged him ..... none lived to tell about it.

"Hrmph! If I ever make it out of this blasted forest alive, Dragons will never hear the end of it!" He looked into the towering oak trees and heard a rustle as dozens of leaves fell onto his face and he was overcome by a fit of sneezing. "Arg! Damnable forest creatures! May Bertoxxulous's fiends feast upon your dead bodies, and Innoruuk devour your souls! By my name, I curse your foul.... " he paused.. in his rage he wanted to find something intellectual to say but could only come up with, ".... furriness!! Demandred orders you all to die now!Hrmph!" he hesitate a moment before he said anything else, and hear no more rattling.

"Ha! What think your blasted mother Tunare think now?" he said with a smirk on his face. He stood there in triumph over the little woodland creatures, then suddenly, there was a burst of lightning and the rained surge upon his robes, soaking them, and himself, to the very bone. "Damn." he said as he stared blankly into the forest.

"I hate the forest." He said as he started off. He walked with such a pace that he did not realized he had dropped his letter from his lord Dragons upon the ground. It was nothing to him, simply orders to start a war. Nothing new to Demandred, who had started plenty. It was he that had begun the mighty battle of karana, taken place between the humans on Qeynos and the Ogres of Oggok over the southern planes of Karana. That is why there was a guard tower there now, to fend off constant ogre attacks that had plagued the humans for years now. It was because the ogres had angered his lord. Not that the ogres would dare offend such a powerful being intentionally, as even now they still have ties within the ogres Shadowknight guild. It was that the ogres, being stupid beings in the first place, could not carry out the simple conspiracies Dragons had planned. After almost alerting the guards of the human city Freeport of the existence of the Syndicate within their walls, he needed them weakened, so as not to try anything else without Dragon's approval. So, he had sent Demandred out to start a war. Nothing complicated, it was simple, all he wanted was for the ogres to become so enraged that they launched a full scale war with Qeynos, which was, even a ogre (thinking clearly mind you), would see as suicide.

So Demandred had journeyed to the jungle like-Ferrott and explained to the ogres how the Qeynos guards were spreading rumors about how the ogres had loss favor with their god Rallos Zek, the Warlord, because of their "wimpyness" as they had put it. Demandred had worked up a wonderful speech that he knew would encourage the ogres to start the war, but, to his annoyance, he could not even get past that part. Before he could finish the sentence, the ogre chieftain had ordered an army to be put together immediately, or... as how he put it "NOW!!!!!!"

The battle was one in a matter of days. Demandred had sent an anonymous tip to the guards of the ogre invasion, and so they mounted thousands of loyal guards to construct a tower over the Serpent river right in the middle of the Karana planes. This was the sight of thousands of human and ogre deaths. The humans had barely managed to keep the ogres at bay. After the battle, the ogre population was cut in half, and their activities with the outside world were put at a halt for a very long time. The humans, who had done nothing to upset the Syndicate lord, had also suffered, but with little pity from him. The humans have kept their bridge there, close to the Wizard ruins in which mages use to teleport themselves to and from the Karana's, and to the Qeynos guards surprise, most of these wizards are most helpful.

That was many years ago, and due to the amazing success of this, Dragons had appointed Demandred the Syndicates official "warstarter". Demandred looked back upon those days and laughed. Oh how he had wanted to please his master then. Now he simply wanted to get his job over with. He had started at least thirty wars since then, only a mere hundred years ago, which, according to a dark elf, if not all that very long. Though the humans still suffer from that great battle, the ogres, who have longer lifespans, still suffer greatly from it. Only having a generation or so to procreate.

Since then he had managed to start wars between the Runneye Goblins and the Halfings, the Blackburrow Gnolls with the Barbarians of Halas, the Trolls, whom attacked the ogres (the ogres barely able to fend them off, thanks to Syndicate "help", Dragons did not want them totally destroyed). The gnomes and dwarves (though Demandred did admit, that one was hard), He humans of Freeport and the Darkelves and even the Erudites again the Splitpaw gnolls, who later also attack the Aviaks of the Southern Karanas.

Demandred was very please with his work, and knew he had gained favor with both his gods, Bertoxxulous, the plaguesbringer, and his Dark father, Innorkuuk, the god of hate. He knew that there was a place for him on either of the gods planes, and that he had the choice of which. He grinned at the thought. Yes... he was very powerful, very powerful indeed.

Caught up in his own world of power, he did not notice the small orc pawn, following him. The pawn noticed the letter that was dropped from Demandreds pouch and picked it up. The slow orc, not being able to read common, had no idea what it said. No idea on the plans to start a war, no idea that Cyan and Eliara Mistwalker were to be assassinated, and no idea that the orcs were going to be goaded into a war....so he rushed off to Clan Crushbone's castle, to show the letter to the Prophet, the Prophet would know, he thought, the Prophet knows all......

Demandred stopped at the gates of Clan Crushbones castle. It was a small castle compared to the Syndicates. The banners of Crush were displayed throughout the exterior of the stone castle. It was old, Demandred could tell, so old that the bricks, that were once gray, had now taken on a bluish green color. Possible by the blood of all the orcs. Indeed, the orcs had been attacked many times. And destroyed many times, well, taken down to a few orcs. Unfortunately, unlike the ogres, the orcs bread like rabbits. And practiced horrendous acts of inbreeding. They were like a disease, Demandred thought, he looked at the castle with a look you might give a piece of food with mold on it, then his thin lips curled into a grim smirk ...... he liked that.

He walked across the wooden bridge and looked down into the moat. He could see the bodies of slaves that had been thrown into the river to drowned, he also noticed that their shackles were still on them. He also smirked at this as he noticed they were all of races he did not fancy, such as woodelves, dwarves, even a gnome are two. He looked to see two Centurions guarding the castle, and several Legionnaires, who were bigger than the centurions walking along the borders of the castle, probably to the slave camps, to keep and eye on the slavers, who sometimes got carried away with their whippings.

He approached the bridge and the Centurions blocked the gate with their spears. "TOP!" one yelled. "You ib Dermendrib?" He asked.

"Demandred you fool! And how did you know of my name?" he asked, his heart started beating faster, what would Dragons do if he were to find out these orcs knew of him, should they be eliminated? Before he could finish his thoughts, the one that had spoken starting to talk again.

"Yeab, we'z got ya note, inkie." The orc grinned. Demandred began to fluster with anger, "inkie" was a turm many Barbarians, and other not so intelligent races had called him. It was something he had to live with all his life, and the name enraged him. Then his common since got to him. What note? He looked down at this scroll carrier and to his horror, the note had slipped out. What was he going to do? Could orcs read the Syndicate's language? It was an ancient dark elven language that few knew, but they obvisouly knew some of it, because they knew his name. He would have to continue on as planned, and put things together as they came to him.

"How could a blustering idiot such as yourself read such a thing? I thought Orcs could barely speak, let alone read..." He glared.

" Hur hur, you nub knuw? One ub youz inkies already 'ear, him know huw tur read, agh, himz alsur teach our Prophet, Prophet knuwz all now!" He beamed, as if the orc race had actually accomplished something.

"Another one of me? A Dark elf..... whom would this be?" Demandred asked in confusion.

"Himz our ermbuzzader, himz name, Dvinn!" The orc grinned

Demandred thought to himself hastily, ahh.. yes Dvinn, he was just a young rogue in training at the Hall of the Ebon mask when Demandred had left. The little tike had bothered Demandred in his studies by stealing his components, and that, had almost gotten him killed. Demandred was surprised to see that the little elf had lived through his wizard harassment to become an Ambassador with the Crushbone orcs.... not that that was a high rank by any means. Demandred grinned that evil smirk.

"Well then, what is it I am to do?" he said to the orc sentries.

"Emperer Cush, humz say, you gu in, agh him blah to you!" The orc said sternly.

"Why of course my filthy friend...." and as the gate swung open, Demandred quickly walked into the castle.

It was wet inside. The type of moist one finds in a cave. The stench of blood floated through the castle, as did blood itself, Demandred noted as he walked in and saw a fountian of blood coming from the wall.

"Reminds me of home." he said to himself, thinking of the dark elven city of Neriak.

There was an orc emissary there to great him as he walked in. He was larger than even the legionnaire's and carried with him a great halberd. The orc sized him up, and looked down upon his puny frame, and scoweld. He thought to himself how easy it would be to crush such a puny thing, but Emperor Crush had explained to him not to, at least for the time being.

"You Demandred?" He asked gruffly.

"Yes, I am. What is it you want?" he asked, rather annoyed at the fact that Crush himself had yet to show.

"Me is to take youz to bossman."He said. He did not want to spend anymore time than he had to around this "inkie".

"Then take me to him you buffoon! Do you have any idea what I've been through to get to you, you imbecile!" Demandred glared at him, unflinching.

The orc, surprised at the little elf-things outburst, quickly lead him through the dank halls of Clan Crushbone. The smell of bile was in there air. There must have been a festivity of some sorts the night before, and a lot of drunk orcs, Demandred figured. He was lead to the throne room. There stood two Orc Royal Guards beside the throne that seated Emperor Crush himself. This orc was huge. He towered over even the emissaries and royal guards.

"I iz understandingz that youz were udered here....." Emperor Crush said still sitting on his throne. He glared at Demandred, his red eyes had a hint of glow in them.

"Yes I was.... and what do you know about it, orc?" Demandred replied, openly deifying the Emperor.

"Dvinn tellz me bout it...." Crush snapped his fingers and from behind his throne emerged a dark elf and another orc. Demandred knew who the dark elf was, and figured that other orc was Crush's prophet.

"Himz tell me dat the woody elves makin' fun ub uz." Crush said, through clenched teeth. Demandred looked startled, the note surly did not say that. And he knew the Dvinn knew Elder Teir'Dal, Demandred would pass the halls as his teacher would teach the young children the language. Demandred glared ad Dvinn suspiciously.

"And what else does it tell you, oh mighty one?" Demandred said, with a blank look on his face.

"It ulso say, dere iz two elfies. Demz da ones who makin' the most fun, demz the one that iz darin' uz to war wid dem!" Crush banged upon the armrest to his throne and the stone crumbled.

"And, what are their names Emperor?" Asked Demandred, by now he was wondering if Dvinn had lost his marbles, was it him that had told them all of this?

"Demz names Cyan agh Eliara Mistwalker. Dats da ones we gonna kill. We give dem war! And ib be dem dat will die, ib none elze will." Crush looked ad Dvinn and Dvinn nodded, an evil grin on his face that even Demandred respected.

"Why yes Emperor, I'm glad you have gotten my message. Do you know who sent me?" Demandred asked, hoping Dvinn had not noticed the seal of the burning palm.

Crush shook his head "No, dere nothin that say so, but you tell me." Crush demanded.

"Why should I tell you, you've gotten our messaged and that's enough." Demandred glared back at the orc.

"You will tell Crush now! Crush demands you tell him!!" Crush was now standing up, fully he was twice the hieght of Demandred, and most likely four times his weight. But Demandred glared back, the look of anger in his face that the royal guards started to quiver. No one, ever, demanded anything, from Demandred.

"You DARE demande something of ME?" his eyes sparked and all of a sudden, the torches in all of Crushbone went out. "No one, not even you oh great emperor of the orcs," Demandred said mockingly. Then there was a sudden red glow of light that seemed to illuminated out of nowhere, and from the cracks in the wall, blood started to poor forth. Now Crush glanced around nervously, this was a mage of immense power indeed. Then just as suddenly as it appeared, everything went back to normal. The blood retreated back into the walls, the red light went away, and the torches came back on.

"But if you must know, it was the dark elven Necromancers guild." Demandred said lightly. "We're looking out for you orcs, you should be grateful."Demandred noticed Dvinn grin, as he knew this was a lie, Demandred has left Neriak over one hundred and fifty years ago. But Dvinn said nothing, and this please Demandred.

"Yez... me is.. surry for de urtburst." Crush said looking at the floor, he knew he had no chance of beating one such as this.

"Well then, I must leave shortly, I take it you will take to the field within a matter of days?" Demandred asked, hoping it will be done with shortly.

Crush nodded. "Yez, I iz going to leadz me army in tree dayz." Crush said, picking up his large sword, one a normally man would have to use two hands to wield. But Crush used it with ease and was able to carry a shield also.

"Good then, before I leave, might I have a word with your Ambassador?" Demandred asked, looking at Dvinn, Dvinn returned the stare.

Crush shrugged. "If yer want. Da tower right behind me throne, you may blah there if yee wish." Crush made a gesture and one of his guards stepped aside. Both Demandred and Dvinn ascended up the stairs without a word. After they had reached the top. They looked over each other for a few moments.

"So," Demandred asked, "Why did you do it?"

"Do what?" Dvinn asked, with a grin on his face, they were talking in the language of the dark elves, just in case the lone pawn wondered by and tried to overhear what they were saying.

"Don't play games with me child!" Demandred ordered. "You know exactly what I mean!" Demandred crossed his arms, a stern look on his face.

"You still are cranky Demandred." Dvinn shrugged. "Why would I want to protect a bunch of WoodElves? I think it would be quite interesting to see them cut down by the orcs. Thought he war is hopeless, we all know that from the treetops they'll just shoot down at the stupid green fools, but there will be some deaths, and that's what counts." Dvinn had that evil grin on his face. "Besides, the Syndicate is well.... they're not the type of people you want to make enemies with." Dvinn's grin faded, this in turn, made Demandred smirk.

"True young one, true. Well, that is all I wished to know." Demandred turned to leave. Then paused and turned out. "how are things, back home?" he asked.

"Fine old necromancer, just fine." Dvinn grinned again, and Demandred started down the stairs. This was a place he hoped never to see again.

* * * * * * * * * * *

There was an early spring breeze in the treetops of Kelethin. The woodelves were a bustle of activity, getting crops ready for harvest and with the warm airs coming the children were out on the ground, running within the city limits. There were three lifts that one could use to access Kelethin. This being a great battle strategy that the elves used for thousands of years. Two were close to eachother, more or less facing to the east towards the high elf city of Felwithe. The other, more of a defensive lift, faced north, towards the lands of the Crushbone orcs.

Cyan Mistwalker was getting ready to start his daily scouting. He was one of the Soldiers of Tunare, the warriors guild. He may have been just a lowly scout, but that was the way he liked it. He was a veteran warrior, but he wished for no power, simple to scout out the land and protect it and his family from harm. The Mistwalkers, who were once known throughout Kelethin, were now just another family, making ends meat.

"Oh what a beautiful morning." He yawned and stretched as he stepped out of the family house. "I suppose I should get suited up and report to the guildmaster." He said to himself as he looked deep into the forest that he had grown up in. He had never left the GreaterFeydark, except twice. Once to go to Kaladim, the city of the dwarves, to report to the dwarven king of Orc runners that were sighted, carrying messages through the Butcherblock mountains. This had been several years ago and still no orc runner has been caught, not that the dwarves took the wood elves seriously anyway. The other time was to the gnome city of Ak'anon. His guildmaster had wanted to buy something from the gnomes called a telescope, as he was told you could see far into the night sky with it. Of course there were only certain spots within the Feydark one could see through the thick treetops, the guildmaster enjoyed it nonetheless.

He started his morning walk along the bridges that connected the platforms of the city. He casually waved to the Venders that set themselves up along the lifts as he had done for ever since he started to scout for the Soldiers of Tunare. Many people of his guild, which was a warriors guild, looked upon him oddly. He worked as a scout, even though he was a warrior, and people wondered why he did not join the Scouts of Tunare, which, people looked upon as rogues. He simply said "I am not a lowly Rogue, but a proud warrior. I just merely wish to look upon my forest home as much as possible, that is all."

He had had a good morning, he three year old son, Florin, had waken up and his mother had taken him to play with the other young ones. The air was crisp and the sun was bright. It was a rather bright day, he thought, because he could actually make out the sun from under the dense treetops. But his good day ended as he walked into his guildhouse. Upon entering he saw his guildmates suited up, prepared for battle, with grim expressions on their face.

"What's going on?" he asked in wonder.

"War." Replied his friend, Laranas. "It appears the Crushbones want a fight. The ranger guild has reported their large amounts of orc tracks these past few days, but it wasn't until the nightly scouts saw a whole army amass right outside the crushbone's lands, marching this way, and they'll be here by the hour." Laranas looked grim. He hated wars, and fights. The only reason he was a warrior was to protect the city from such things.

Cyan drew his sword from the scabbard and took up his shield. "Today comrades will be a glorious day for the city of Kelethin!" He shouted. He was not about to allow his mates to march off into war in such a glum mood. It wasn't good for fighting, it made people make mistakes. "Will will emerge triumphant, and shall send these foul orcs running back to their petty little castle, with their tails between their legs!" He thrust his sword into the air. By now the other warriors had perked up, and they all let out a hearty cheer.

Hundreds of warriors surrounded the lifts that day, the scouts lingering in the treetops along with the rangers who drew their bows, ready for the onslaught. What they saw, made their hearts sink. Thousands of orcs marched through the forest, destroying the trees along the way. Cutting down anything that got in their way. The druids cried in agony for the trees that had died, but kept stern faces because they knew there was more to defend. Mothers took their children to the heart of Kelethin. If the orcs somehow were able to defeat the guards at the lift, the lifts would be disabled from the top, by several guards that stood there, hoping they wouldn't have to push that button.

Eliara Mistwalker crouched down behind her bed, holding her child, Florin close to her. She cried at the thought of her husband, and where he was right now. She knew that he would be up in front, and would defend the lifts with his life. He would not stop until either all the orcs were dead and retreating, or he himself lay in a puddle of his own lifeblood. If Eliara knew just how many orcs were coming, she would have sobbed with such a passion, because she knew what the outcome would be.

"Look there Laranas." Cyan pointed to the first orc to come rushing out of the trees. "That's the warlord. Be careful of that one." he scowled at the orcs. "For the glory of Kelethin!!" he screamed as the warriors poured into the ranks of orcs.

The scouts jumped out of their hiding places and backstabbed as many orcs as they could. Slitting throats and stabbing the backs of necks. But the orcs were a touch lot, and many of the small scouts were flung from the spot, slamming into trees and landing in brier bushes. The rangers, from the tops of the trees, with their exceptional bowskill, were able to pick off orcs from the battle. Many of the green skinned humanoids dies with an arrow through the heart, or eye.

Emperor Crush stood at the top of the hill. He could see the battle from where he stood and grinned. His scouts had given him a detailed sketch of both Cyan and Eliara Mistwalker. He knew the Cyan would be defending the city. So told the warlord himself to deal with him. Eliara was another matter though. He knew that she would have the son, Floring, whom Demandred had warned not to harm a hair on the child's head. The Emperor also knew that an orc would not be able to contain himself from smashing the little one. So he was able to get Dvinn to act as an assassin. While the battle raged, Dvinn would disguise himself and sneak into the city. Then he would find the elf maiden, and kill her.

Cyan looked over the body of an orc he had just killed. It was an easy kill, but he had many more to deal with. Fighting off another that flew at him, Cyan simply stuck his sword out and it pierced his breast, right into his heart. Suddenly Cyan was picked up and thrown into a tree. His armor had absorbed most of the impact, but he had the wind knocked out of him. He looked up to see what sort of huge creature had done this. To his terror, there stood the warlord. With a grin on his face so wide, Cyan was for the moment, paralyzed. With his quick wits, Cyan rolled from under the orcs might swing of his mace and darted underneath his legs, turned around, and stuck the Warlord in his back. This hurt the warlord, but did not maim him. He swung around with his huge mace but Cyan dodged it easily and made another swing. Just then he was hit from behind, and flung to the ground. He rolled over again, but slammed into the warlords huge foot. He looked up to see the Legionnair that had hit him from behind, and the warlord, witht hat grin again. This time though, it was the last time Cyan saw anything.

Eliara suddenly had an emptiness within her. She knew something had happened, and she had a good idea as to what that was. She cried. She hugged her son closer. Florin looked up at his mother and wondered why she was so sad.

"Mommy, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" He said, concerned.

"Nothing sweaty, just stay close to me. Everything will be all right." She knew that it wouldn't. Already she could hear that the guards had been driven closer to the city. She could hear the sounds of battle. The sounds of swords clanging against swords. The sounds of heads being smashed by maces. And the sounds of the wounded, screaming for help. But she was safe, and so was her son, she had thought. And maybe, just maybe Cyan was only unconscious, laying there, and all the orcs had just thought he was dead. She thought this in a vain attempt to find hope.

There was a knock at the door. It was war time, she thought, angrily to herself, who would be coming over now? They knocked again, but it sounded more frantic this time. Maybe the person needed help? She thought quickly to herself. She placed Florin under the bed.

"Stay here Florin. No matter what happens. You are not to move from this spot, understand me?" She said to her son.

"Yes mommy I understand, but why?" the child asked questionably.

"Just because Florin, I want nothing to happen to you. Remember that, I want you to be safe." She said, smiling. He smiled back, and by now the knocks were becoming so frantic that she thought the door was going to come down.

"Hold on, I'm coming." She said as she rushed across the house to get to the door. She opened it to see a guard there. She could see the guards uniform, but not his face, it was shaded by the helmet he wore.

"Is this the house of the Mistwalkers?" he asked blankly.

"Yes sir it is, what is it you want? Shouldn't you be out guarding the city, we're being attacked you know!" She said angrily at the guard.

"And you are Eliara Mistwalker, correct?" He said, ignoring her.

"Yes but I see no reason why you need to know this you should be - " The guard cought her by the thought and drug her to the back room where Florin hid under the bed.

"I'm not sure why, but you are wanted dead. And I'm here to assassinate you." The figure through off his helm.

"A Dark elf!" She screamed. She through out her foot and landed it squarely between his legs. Florin heard the figure gasp and hear something break as he saw the remnants of a vace that had been on the shelf, shatter to the floor. The figure grunted and he saw his mothers feet fly against the wall, as if held there by her throat.

"Know this you little witch! That the dark elf Dvinn if your killer! And that I take joy in your death. Because of this mark you have put on my face, I should kill your child as well. Where he is I do not know, but I do know, that he will come home to see him mother, laying dead on the floor!" Florin heard the sound of a dagger being drawn. Then there was a gurgling sound and he saw blood spill to the floor, followed by the body of his mother. He heard a laugh and the sound of the helm being picked up.

The blood flowed under the bead. Florin lay there, tears tumbling down his cheeks, mixing with the blood. He dared not move from under the bed, for he feared the darkelf was still there.

He sat there for long moments. He was confused as to what happened, yet, in a since he knew. At the tender age of five, his mind was confused. A jumble of mixed messages and unclear thoughts. Then, there was a glow, coming from the room. He had not heard the door open again, but Florin shrank back down into the bed as far as he could go. There were light footsteps, but there seemed to be more than two feet doing the work. More like, four. Florin huddled under the bed, thinking this thing had come here to finish him off. Then, there was a soft gentle voice.

"Florin. Florin are you here? I've come to take you away from all of this." The voice said, in a soothing tone.

At this point Florin was convinced the figure was good. Anything that would take him away from such horrible carnage was a good thing. He slid out from under the bed and stood up. At first he regretted this decision because there stood a wolf, face to face with the young boy. But, being a wood elf, Florin had spent much of his three years around such creatures. And the soft glow that came from the wolf was comforting to him.

'Hello there Florin." The wolf asked. Florin's eyes opened wide. He had never seen a wolf talk before.

"You... you speak?" the child asked, dazed and confused.

"Yes, I do. My name is Zephy. I am here to take you away to the forest. That is where you belong now, not amidst all of this violence and carnage. There is where I shall teach you the ways of the wood." The wolf seemed to smile.

"But....but wouldn't I learn that here, with my f-family?" This made the tears flow past Florin's cheeks as he looked at his mother's dead body. "Mommy will be all right won't she? She...she just needs to, r-r--" He could not finish his sentence, and he fell to his knees in tears.

"Come now young one. Climb upon my back, and I shall take you away." The wolf stood there, staring at the boy. This seemed like a good idea to Florin at the time. He did not want to stay around his mother anymore.

"What about my dad?" He said, through the tears and wavering voice.

"I'm afraid you won't find him in a much better condition young one." the wolf said sternly and he again, heard the boy wail in tears.

"Come quickly young one, before the green ones come to get you." The wolf seemed to look at the door, but if one was paying close attention, he could see he was looking at the corner, beside the door.

"Y-yes sir..." Florin said sadly, as he climbed upon the back of the wolf. The door seemed to mystically open at the wolf command and they rushed out.

A figure materialized out from within the corner. It too, was a dark elf, dressed in black flowing robes.

"Very good Zephy." Demandred said. "For a second there I thought I was going to have to kill Dvinn.... how dare he say he'd do what I told him not to. Oh well, I surely hope this was all worth it... now to make sure the orcs really don't take the city..." he said, and walked out the door calmly shutting it behind him.

"We should hurry and avoid the sight of the orcs. We should not be seen by them" Zephy said as he leaped through the trees.

Florin looked back and saw the battle. He could see that the orcs were winning. He could see the guards on top hit the switch to disable the lifts. Then, he saw something that amazed him. He saw undead rise from the ground. He had never seen a skeleton before, but they looked to evil, he knew the orcs must have called for reinforcements or something of that matter. But as they hit the forest bottom, he was amazed to see the skeletons, attacking the orcs....

"Where are we going?" he child asked, clinging to the back of Zephy.

'To a place killed the Lesser Feydark. You'll like it, it's a lot like here, just smaller." He said as he raced through the forest.

"Well if you say so." Florin said. He couldn't help but thinking of his mother now. Thinking of what had happened to her. A tear came from his eye, and from that point on, he was determined not to cry over this. He wanted to be strong like his father. So, he thought of something to take this horrible day's events off his mind.

"So, what was your name again mister?" He asked, with a sparkle in his eye.

"Zephy." Said the wolf with a grin as they rushed deep into the forest.

Back to Prologue
Proceed to Chapter 2
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