"Azifar the Wood Elf - part 4"

Azifar Sev'Lenus

The fog laid heavily on the land obscuring the light and masking all in uncertainty. Azifar continued his march to the Druid’s Grove not far from Lesser Faydark in the lands of his birth Greater Faydark. Though the route was a simple one that he had traveled countless times the dense fog distorted many landmarks travelers used when making their way through this dense forest. But not only was the fog clouding his sense of direction but the many thoughts and emotions that flooded threw his being that left him so disorientated.

Tripping over a fallen log that the normally dexterous Wood Elf would have avoided collapsed rolling down a steep hill crashing through brush and foliage landing painfully on a large bolder. Cursing Azifar slowly crawled his way down the hill and rested at a nearby stream. Pulling from his backpack bandages Azifar bound his many cuts and stemmed the blood rushing from the large slash in his upper arm and face.

Slowly removing his boots and numerous supply sacks from his belt and back Azifar waded out into the brisk stream to try and wash away the dulling fatigue and pain from his body. The Wood Elf had traveled for five days now with no time for rest. Not only had the steadfast march been grueling physically but also his mind was weary of the grave news it had been contemplating over these days.

Slipping on a moss covered stone the Wood Elf went down with a splash and was swept down stream crashing along the many sharp stones in the river’s bed until finally struggling to shore. Agonizingly Azifar stared down on his body torn, bruised and cut, screamed out in frustration. Never in all his years had the Wood Elf felt so totally lost, confused and broken.

Unable to travel any further Azifar collapsed into a deep sleep where time lost meaning…

Awakening with a start Azfiar leaped to his feet and stared around the room in confusion and sudden fear. He was no longer on the riverbank but in a room softly light but a lantern showering the room in its warm luminance. Looking down Azifar noticed all of his wounds were cleaned and bandaged with many of them already healing. By his bedside his equipment was all neatly laid and stacked including even his weapons to his surprise.

After collecting his possessions and strapping his weapon belt with his ebony blades Azifar crept to the only door of the room and checked the doorknob, which also to his surprise was unlocked. With a turn and a gentle push the door opened into a small commons room. A small table with but one chair Azifar noted and a fireplace softly burning. Searching around the cabin looking for some hints of the owners demeanor Azifar saw a large two handed sword of gigantic proportions mounted over the mantle of the fireplace. The blade spanned easily the length of five feet with a thick blade, which started the Elf to thing of what man if a man at all could handle such a mighty weapon.

Unable to gather any other clues from the room Azifar approached what he thought must be the front door to the building and tested the doorknob to the same result as before unlocked. Outside the cabin was a small clearing with forest surrounding for as far as the eye could see. A well-tended garden off to the left caught his immediate attention as a large figure was among the plants gathering its treasures. Though from the distance nothing notable was discerned so with the stealth that even a rogue would envy Azifar made his way to the nearby woods.

The stranger was obviously unwary or unconcerned as it continued to work among the many vegetables and bushes as the Ranger continued his approach. As close as he dared Azifar crouched among the foliage and began examining the figure to get a better understanding of his would be savior. The figure was obviously a human and a very large one indeed standing at least seven feet with broad shoulders. Standing briefly to wipe sweat from his brow the man was even more intimidating then before with large bulging muscles and thick legs as large as tree trunks.

Azifar shivered slightly thinking of what a man of that size could be capable of doing grew more cautious as he watched the man continued his work caring among the plants. Trusting that he was a friend or sorts in that he was obviously cared for him and left with his weapons Azifar implicitly trusted that this monstrous man breathed a slight sigh of relief and continued his examination of this stranger.

A shrill hoot of an own in the tree tops above him Azifar watched as the man again stood up and peered directly at him. Holding his breath Azifar remained still wondering if his location had been compromised by some hint of his being though nothing should have alarmed his would be friend of his presence. Then to his amazement the same owl high in the treetops swooped down and landed on the gigantic man’s shoulder with another loud hoot seemingly directed to Azifar’s location. In total astonishment Azifar reluctantly stood up and revealed himself palms stretched out in a sign to show he was not armed.

"Seems our friend has awakened and probably hungry." The large men spoke in a deep commanding voice yet gentle if one could describe a giant in such a manor. The owl as mysteriously as it appeared leaped into the air gliding to its perch high in the treetops.

"Greetings sir, I am Azifar Sev’Lenus Ranger and protector of Lesser Faydark and I am humbled by your good will and generosity." Azifar spoke with an awkward bow.

"Well met Ranger of Lesser Faydark and welcome to my modest grove though not as grand a title my name is Gaidal." The man said as he headed back toward the cabin gesturing for Azifar to follow.

Inside Gaidal quickly gained the trust of Azifar as the man prepared the food he gathered from his garden and offered them to the starving Azifar as he tended to the fire and began brewing a pot of tea. Though massive his size was he moved with a dexterity that Azifar quickly discerned could only be that of a seasoned warrior and thus an instant respect grew for this kind man. With a warm smile offering Azifar a cup of steaming tea Gaidal then sat down on the windowsill.

"So Azifar what important task had you set forth on that drove you to such exhaustion and left you in such a state on the riverbank?" Gaidal asked obviously concerned.

Azifar tensed unvoluntarily as the weight of words rekindled the torments of the many nights before. Seeing his guest flinch so drastically Gaidal continued, "If you don’t mind me asking that is."

"I had just received some new…" Azifar said though could not understand how or why he had divulged such information or had not just said something else came as a shock to him. The torment of the many days and the weight of such knowledge had paid such a heavy toll on his mind and soul that simply speaking the words out loud offered him some relief and thus sighed deeply.

"Obviously some very important news to have you running yourself to death like you did. What might it be? Some news you must bring to your lord? A call to arms or a…" Gaidal left his words open coaxing the Elf to continue with his tale.

"I should not burden you with such as you have already offered me much hospitality and I really should be off as time is of the importance." Azifar said standing as if ready to bolt through the door and then realizing he had no idea where he was slowly sat back down staring at his tea. Never in all of his years had he ever felt so completely despaired and lost.

"Is it a woman perhaps?" Gaidal asked though said almost as a statement that jerked Azifar’s look from the glass to the soft face of the man sitting across from him.

"What you think you are the first man who ever had an issue of the heart?" The large man said with a deep laugh that literally shook the building and even Azifar let out a weak chuckle at the absurdity of such a notion.

"Its not that simple sir…" Azifar explained.

"It never is." Gaidal answered as if in complete understanding of everything though Azifar felt his situation was far more complex than this man could possibly know.

"Kal…" Azifar began but simply speaking the word left his gut in knots. "My first wife long believed lost has mysterious appeared with no word of where she had been or what events had befallen her has been found."

"That sounds to me to be good news but obviously there is more to your story." Gaidal continued as he filled Azifar’s cup with more tea again returning to his perch on the windowsill.

"Well there is as I have just recently wed another bride whom I have pledged my heart!" Azifar said with a loud voice full of frustration. Azifar beginning to apologize for the outburst Gaidal with a knowing smile waved his hand dismissing such a needless explanation and urged him to continue.

"I do not know why I am not overjoyed with such news but my heart is suddenly filled with such a burden that I…" Azifar began but drifted off as the confusion set in loosing all thought in a maze of emotion.

"Do you believe in fate my young friend?" The question suddenly struck Azifar as if physically assaulted looked dumbfounded at the man sitting but four feet from him.

"What you think that your first wife was not brought back from the great unknown without cause or reason? Norrath and the gods do not work like that though their meaning for such things is often lost in uncertainty." Gaidal began trying to sooth the obviously dumbstruck Azifar.

"Are you trying to tell me that Tunare called upon Kalysta as some kind of test?" Azifar said as if the idea itself was insanity.

With a stern look Gaidal looked down on the confused Elf and spoke, "Things always happen for a reason my friend. Be sure of one thing the return of Kalysta to you was not out of chance."

With a much softer look and tone Gaidal stood up walking over to the mantle above the fireplace where the monstrous sword Azifar saw when first entering this room. Gaidal removed it with amazingly little effort and approached Azifar.

"This sword was given to me by a very old and good friend of mine from a very long time ago. It could not be coincidence that he found me very much the same as I found you sojourning a quest of the heart. This weapon has never failed me in all of my many years and through all of the trials of my life. I wish to give it to you. He told me the blade’s name was the Gigantic Zweihander and that I would know when to pass it on. Azifar, I do believe in fate…" Gaidal himself lost in thought handed the mighty sword to the awestruck Ranger.

"I could not…" Azifar began but the words were cut short with a wave and a chuckle by the mighty Gaidal.

"Just know this that even this sword can not win all of your battle especially those waged in the heart. This sword is just a reminder of the gigantic strength that is deep within all of us. Have faith my friend that things are as they should be and trust in Tunare’s wisdom." Gaidal continued while filling the long emptied bags of Azifar’s rations with the many foods from throughout his home.

"Now be off, Azifar Sev’Lenus Ranger and protector of Lesser Faydark as your destiny is calling for you."

Long Live the Syndicate!

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