A Nisch Val Guard cocks his head as he hears an odd sound. Drool spills from his lip
as he listens intently for the sound again. Sniffing the air and shrugging his
shoulders he returns to his post side his master Ishva. Who, unaware of the
guard’s observations bustles about the small room casting incantations on himself,
his pet and even the obedient guard. The room flickers with tinny torchlight’s that
line the walls. A desk and chair are here for his studies into the Necromancy
Sciences. He examines his small feeble armed pet and mumbles something about
“Bones” before sitting at the desk and examining the day’s logs. The Guards ears
perk up once again as the faint sounds of food steeps and soggy feet can be
heard. The Guard ponders for a moment, obviously not the smartest of
bodyguards, then realizes that that’s the sound of someone exiting the water
entrance just out side there hidden room. A pale look crosses his face as he
realizes that there is only one exit to this room, and if the mound has been under
attack as long as it takes to get to this place, there could be an army out side his
door. Now aware that something maybe wrong Ishva stand and bark “Well!?”
tapping his foot and looking the guard up and down “Find out what it is fool!”. The
guard still lost in his weak assessment of the possible situation before him, rattles
his head as if to clear the cobwebs away and marches out the archway. The
sound of footsteps as the guard walks away grow faint, the outer door opens,
then shuts.
There is a silence that seems to take forever in the mind of Ishva,
broken only again by the doors opening and the sound of footsteps growing near.
In walks the guard, with a sad look across his face he walks back to he spot next
to Ishva. Ishva looks at him in puzzlement “Well, what was it?” he asks. “Nothing”
the guard returns in a drone like voice. “BaH!” Ishva barks “You…” he points at the
guard as if to reprimand him, before he starts he hears again the faint sounds of
footsteps approaching the archway to his room. More slight then the guards they
come from the arch and suddenly stop. Ishva’s head now focused on the archway
he turns back to the guard. “Did you..” his whispered question stops when he
notices from the corner of his eye a strange mist, seeming to spill from midair.
Jumping back against his desk he peers intently at where the mist, now dissipated,
came from. he rubs his eyes. A light shuffling and a slight breeze as if someone
just past by him, sends a chill down his spine as the torchlight’s flicker a little. The
eerie silence is broken by a soft deep voice that seems to move from one ear to
the other “I have come for you.”. Ishva spins around looking up and down and all
around the room, then calms and hunches over, peering at nothing. “Who are
you?” he whispers. The voice begins to sing…
“I come for those both young and old”
“Those like you that are sick and cold”
“All I seek soon scream and writhe”
“I am…”
The voice stops its sultry song as if to tease Ishva into completing it for him.
Ishva takes a deep swallow and whispers in a shaky voice “Death?”. Ishva winces
as he is hit in the back of the head with a blunt object. Turning dizzily around he
sees before him a bard, dressed in blue from head to toe holding in his right hand
the small end of a Minotaur’s horn and tapping the large end into his other hand.
The scornful look crossing his brow turns quickly into a silly grin as he says, “I’m
just the messenger.” Ishva bursts into a fit of anger taking a dizzy swing at the
bard who quickly sidesteps his attack and bolts out of the archway. Hot on his
heels Ishva snarls and growls as they pass the door and out near the water edge,
he’s sure he has him now. His run grinds to a hold as the icy stare of an enormous
skeleton meets the back of his skull. Wielding a short sword and dagger, dead at
its sides, it stares blankly through him. A necromancer dressed in black stands to
his left. He utters no words, just points. As Ishva glances around the room still
kind of confused, the sounds of chanting and summoning fill the air. A glow lights
the water that reflects into brilliant colors bathing the room in light. As Ishva is
torn apart from the following attacks the last thing he hears is that same soft
deep voice “oldest trick in the book, gets em every time” follow by several
snickers as his lift if snuffed out.
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