Guild Leaders

The Syndicate is a guild composed of the best players in the online gaming world.
Many apply,
few are accepted. Although we have strict membership requirements, we
also have extremely low turnover thus the
guild has grown to be very large.
In order to maintain a guild of this size, organization and structure
play key roles. Tapping into the pool of qualified Syndicate members, we are able
to leverage the skills, dedication
and motivation of our members to make The Syndicate the Premier Online
Gaming Community.
The Syndicate is a dictatorship style guild with Dragons as the overall
decision maker. The Squads and other leadership roles assist
in those decisions by providing feedback and ideas. The Squads
also assist in managing the guild on a day to day basis and are
critical to the success of the team.
To request contact with any specific role/leader please email
your request to
Dragons and he
will redirect you to the correct leadership person to handle your
Guild Leadership Roster
Global Leadership
Dragons - Guildmaster of The Syndicate
Grif - Advisor, Comm Officer
Dargus - Advisor, Security Officer
Additional Global Roles
Ranco, Perlin, Mog - Synd World Conference Team
Derugash - Website & Guild Graphics Support
Bril, Firefly, Baine - Syndicate Prima Studio Team Leads
Mog, Velnox, Ranco - External Relations Team Leads
World Of Warcraft Squad Leaders
Ultima Online Squad Leaders
Jason Bourne - Shadow Knights Squad
Kobalt - Dragon Fire Squad
Camelot - BlackHeart Ranger Squad
Monk - Dragon Strike Squad
Darkfeather - Knights of the Dragon Squad
Coral - Black Dragon Squad
Kitiara - SunFire Squad