The Guild

Groups of players are typically referred to as Guilds or Clans in the
online community. To call The Syndicate a guild would be to greatly
understate what we
are. As far as 'guilds' go, we are among the oldest guilds in online
and by far the most successful. Not only are we the largest online
gaming guild (with around 600 active members) but we have also achieved an unheard of retention rate with
more than 85% of our guild being a multi-year member. But again, to
call us a guild isn't a fair comparison. We are part guild... part
successful company... part community of friends... part competitive
team... part gamer all rolled into the most successful online
organization ever created.
The Syndicate® hosts a yearly conference for our members at various
locations around the United States. It has the distinction of being
the largest single guild gathering in the history of online gaming with
well more than a hundred members, along with a number of developers,
attending each year. We hold many smaller
gatherings all year long from dinners to LAN gaming parties to
consulting round tables and much more.
The Syndicate® is also a very experienced beta testing guild. We
have been
involved in large numbers of beta tests. We understand what is expected
of a beta tester and how to add value to the test and to the gaming
as a whole. We participate in several player advisory groups and do
private tests of specific game functionality as requested. We believe
very strongly in doing our small part to help make online gaming better
for all gamers.
The Syndicate® was the first MMORPG guild to obtain a corporate
sponsor. We are very proud at being the first to set a new standard for
the MMORPG world.
The Syndicate® has
Trademarked our name and logo and their
use is not permitted without our express written permission. We took
this step to insure that our efforts at developing The Syndicate would
be protected in the online gaming world. Our marks apply to
services, namely, an online gaming guild providing in game
opportunities for proliferating game expertise and camaraderie among
gamers supported by a web site featuring multimedia materials." We
are proud of our involvement in a host of services that include, but
are not limited to, our annual conferences, submissions to game
development books, the articles we have written for gaming
publications, guides for specific games or aspects of games, our book
Legend of The Syndicate and a line
of gaming related products and clothing. Those are but some of our
guild's services. The Syndicate is
not simply a collection of people playing MMO's that share a title. We
are an online gaming community that strives very hard to provide
outstanding services and benefits for our members and also for the
gaming community as a whole.

The Syndicate is the first MMO guild to have a book written about it.
Published by Avari Press in 2007, Legend of The Syndicate tells the
tale of the first 11 years of history in the online gaming world. In
the book you will embark on a fascinating look at the history of online
gaming through the eyes of The Syndicate, one of the most successful
online organizations in the history of gaming. Discover the origins of
online role-playing fantasy games, such as Everquest and World of
Warcraft, that have captivated more than 10 million people worldwide.
Relive the challenges and triumphs, and journey into distant lands of
magic and mystery where every turn is fraught with danger and every
decision could spell the end of years of hard work. Follow The
Syndicate as they navigate the ever-changing online world and develop
into an unstoppable juggernaut that shaped the future of the virtual

In May of 2011, our second book, Beyond The Legend went live. Responding to feedback on what readers wanted to have seen in our first book, our second book is described as:
Continue on a fascinating journey through the history of online gaming as seen through the eyes of The Syndicate, one of the oldest and most successful player organizations in the history of gaming.
Learn the secrets to creating, maintaining and growing your own stable online community. More than fifteen years of Syndicate experience are boiled down into a formula for success that you can apply to your guild. Time tested methodologies and lessons are shared to help you create success for yourself and your friends.
Look into the future of MMORPGs. The key to the future success of online gaming is meeting an ever changing set of player expectations. We explore those expectations and how developers can and should meet them in the years ahead. The successful games of the future will be the ones nimble enough to meet those expectations.
With Foreword's by Curt Schilling (who described the book as: "In this book you will hear from someone who as 'done it.' Sean's been there and done that for well over a decade...") and John Smedley (who described the book as: "This book does a great job explaining the things that make The Syndicate work and how to take those lessons and apply them to making your own guild."), Beyond The
Legend is a great read and contains content that is valuable, insightful and entertaining to read. You can pick up at copy at
LULU.COM or at among other places.
The Syndicate is unlike every other guild in existence because we
are not a guild. We are a virtual community of friends that use online
gaming to grow our comradery and to, as your Trademark says,
proliferate gaming expertise. The Syndicate® does it all. And we do it
better than anyone else.
We are the most successful player created online gaming community in the
history of online gaming and we are very proud of that distinction.
Some Guild Statistics

General Syndicate Information
Date Founded:
Overall Guildmaster:
Total Number of Members:
Primary Focus:
Major Games:
Minor Games:
Percent Adult (18+) Members:
Percent Female Members:
Percent International Members:
Average Member Age:
Feb 1996
Approximately 1200
Most Major MMOs
Most Major FPS' and RTS'
Syndicate Recruiting Information
Apps Received Per Day (Avg):
Average Response Time To App:
Percent Of Apps Accepts:
Number of Apps To Date:
1.5 hrs
Extremely low
Approx. 65000
Referral From Member & Solid Game Knowledge/Experience
Syndicate Guild Orientation
Stance on Pkilling:
Stance on Cheating:
Stance on Bug Use:
Penalty For Above Actions:
Stance on Consensual Pvp:
Generic Guild Information*
Avg. Lifespan Of A Guild:
Avg. Size Of A Guild:
Avg. Pct Adult Members:
Avg. # Games A Guild Is In:
Avg. Stance on Pkilling:
Avg. Full Time PvPers:
3-6 months
< 30 members
approx. 40%
Approx 70% Anti
Less Than 10%
*Information compiled by The Syndicate throughout our existance, using publically
available information coupled with our own tracking and research of guilds.