Guild Charter

The Syndicate is the
oldest, largest and most powerful online gaming community. Literally
over 60,000,000 guilds have risen and fallen in our lifetime.
A portion of our success derives itself from a set of core values and
laws that govern the guild. We strive
not only to continue to lead the online gaming world as its premier
guild but also to be unified and have fun! As with any successful
guild, member participation is key. Here are some of our core guild
goals, rules, policies etc... that prospective members should know
before joining:
Mission Statements
Overall Guild Mission Statement
The Syndicate is an virtual online gaming community. We do not exist
for any one specific game. We are a community of adult, mature,
veteran gamers. We seek to make The Syndicate community the strongest,
most well known, and most successful gaming community in the history of
online gaming. We are dedicated to a friendly, team focused, fun-loving
gaming environment where every member is important and not just a
number on a roster. We seek to foster long term friendships among
members and enhance the online gaming experience by virtue of those
Beta Tester Mission Statement
The Syndicate has a very strong and active beta testing, focus testing/systems testing and stress testing team. Often
obtaining personal invitations and blocks of accounts to alpha and beta
test new games, we take that responsibility very seriously. We seek to
better the whole online gaming community through our testing efforts by
not only finding bugs and balance issues but also by suggesting new
features or better implementation of key features. Our goal is to help
create the best online games possible for all online gamers. To help
avoid the pitfalls and issues of past games and to help the industry
continue to innovate and offer new challenges and experiences to all
Ultima Online Mission Statement
The Syndicate's Ultima Online goals have evolved over the many years we
have been a part of the game. Before UO came out there was much
posturing by the online community to big the biggest and baddest in
different areas. We once had a squad that was going to be our navy and
rid the sea's of evil doers. That proved to be a concept that really
didnt work in UO. After years of being in UO, achieving every in game
goal that could be achieved (i.e. overcoming all big monsters, fighting
and winning massive pvp wars, dominating in faction warfare for a time,
creating and running a player run city, amassing great fortunes and
powerful chars) we have set the bar that other guilds seek to emulate.
Our UO presence continues and is very strong and very active. Our
current goal is not to overcome some goal in the game, as we have
already overcome all of those. Our current goal is, instead, to have
fun and play UO as a team continuing to beat all new challenges
implemented by the developers and to continue to lead the UO community
as the premier guild. To run outstanding events for the public. To
adventure together and have a great time doing it. And to continue to
add value to the UO community at every opportunity.
World of Warcraft Mission Statement
The Syndicate maintains a large presence on Zul'jin server as part of
the Horde faction. We have a large raiding presence but we also have a
good sized pvp presence and a number of members that participate in
other aspects of the game. Our goal in WoW is similar to our goal in UO
and in online gaming in general: to have fun and play WoW as a team
continuing to beat new challenges implemented by the developers. We
dont enter into flame wars on public forums. We dont brag about
content completed. We dont race other guilds to be the first to
overcome a collection of pixels at the expense of our members. We
maintain our belief in team first.. members first.. friends first..
while still advancing through end game content and having alot of fun
while doing so.
Standards Of Conduct
Core Rules
The Syndicate only accepts members into its ranks that are of similar
personalities, goals and values to its own. All of our members support
and follow our core guild rules and anyone who cannot, is removed. Our
core rules and values have served us well since early 1996 and continue
to be the guiding principles behind moving the guild forward. Our core
rules include, but are not limited to:
- Guild First: We expect all members to ensure that all actions
take are done in the mindset of 'guild first'. Anything a member does
reflects on the overall guild image and on all fellow members. We
expect members to only take actions that reflect positively on the
guild image that we have worked very hard to build and maintain over
the years.
- We recruit the PERSON not the TOON. We look for good PEOPLE
not only a toon that meets a specific set of requirements. As such
members of The Syndicate cannot be a member of any other guild that has
a branch of their guild in any game we play. Membership in another
guild, in games we do not play, is permitted with some caveats (ex: you
could not be in a guild that was a cheater/exploiter guild in one game
and in a game we play espouse to uphold our high values in that area.)
- It is not permitted to relay any information outside the
guild, for any reason, at any time. The Syndicate is a private gaming
organization. We do not share information with the public except
through official channels and officially sanctioned outlets. Therefore
no member should reveal any information, no matter how minor they may
think it is, outside the guild.
- Participate In Guild Events. Hunts, Raids, Events and other
in game activities occur all the time. You are expected to take place
in as many of them as possible. We understand people have lives and
cannot live within the online world and that is ok. But if you are
online, and we are having a guild event of some sort, you need to be
there and participating in it. Actively working against the guild on
any mission will result in immediate and permanent removal.
- Leadership roles in The Syndicate are decided based on
demonstrated ability as well as the need for a leader in a particular
spot. You can be assured that your leaders are working hard to make the
game more fun for you. While the reason behind every decision may not
always be apparent at the moment an order is issued, all orders from
officers need to be immediately followed. If errors are made, they
should be reported to Dragons where they will be dealt with and, if
needed, changes made to the officer team. Absent those changes, all
officers should be listened to as though it was Dragons issuing the
- We are a TEAM of FRIENDS. Backing up your guildmates is
expected because they will do the same for you. Syndicate members
understand that sometimes personal character sacrifice is needed for
the team to complete a mission. We dont view it as personal sacrifice,
however, because we are helping out a friend and that is more important
than loot or pixels on a screen. Games come and go. The Syndicate and
the friendships within it, remain.
- Deadweight is not needed in the guild. Failure to maintain an
acceptable level of activity will result in your removal. We do have an
"inactive" status for members who are retired from games we play and
wish to join us in future games. For those active in games, we expect
them to read our posting forum Daily for our updates. We expect at
least 1 email per week to the Guildmaster and their squad leader to
keep them informed of your progress and any issues, ideas, feedback
etc.. that you have. Simply vanishing off the face of the earth without
any email indicating you wish to go to inactive status is taken as a
sign you have quit the guild and membership is removed.
- Members who cannot follow core rules and standards, are removed
from the guild.
Standards Of Conduct
These standards go hand in hand with our core guild rules but they bear
repeating so all future members understand what we expect from members.
Those standards of conduct include, but are not limited to:
- Members may not use cheats or exploits
- Members may not Pkill/murder other players. Consensual pvp is
permitted, encouraged and a fun aspect of the guild.
- Upholding of all guild values and rules is required of all
members. There are no exceptions whether you are a member for 10 days
or 10 years. All members must maintain the values of the guild.
- Members need to behave in a mature, professional, team
focused manner. Self focused, loot focused, immature people will not be
- Make friends in the guild. At our core we are a Team Of Friends.
So make friends. Those friendships make us strong.
- Any issues with guild policies are brought directly to
Dragons, 1 on 1, via email. Publically bashing or complaining about
them is not tolerated.
- Personal attacks on other members is not permitted. Handle
issues with another player 1 on 1, in a mature professional way. Seek
an officers help if needed but do not personally attack other members.
- Backstabbing, looting, stealing from, scamming or otherwise
harming other members is not permitted. It all goes back to our core
value that we are a team of friends.
- Profanity.. sexual content.. and obscene content are not
needed or permitted in guild channels in game, in IRC or on the
- If a guild officer tells you to do something, do it
immediately. Do not argue or complain to them and definitely do not get
nasty with them or removal will occur and you can explain to Dragons
why you had to behave that way and should be let back in.
Guild Structure
Syndicate's format for guild leadership is that of a dictatorship.
There is one overall GM of the guild, Dragons. All decisions are
ultimately made or ratified by him. The responsibility for incorrect
decisions is also held by Dragons. With that said, decisions are not
made in a vacuum. Instead Dragons applies past experiences of the
guild, feedback from squad leaders and other officers and feedback from
members as the situation warrants. The overall goal of all decisions is
to make The Syndicate the best guild possible for all members. So we
term the style of guild as a 'benevolent dictatorship.' Feedback from
members is encouraged regularly and plays a large part in the decision
making process. All members know Dragons and their squad leaders have
an open door policy and that anything presented in a respectful manner
is read, considered and weighs into final decisions.
are two guild advisors and they are Grif and Dargus. The advisors are
second only to Dragons in the guild in terms of overall authority. The
advisors are key people in global guild policy decisions and within the
games they are actively playing. They are the people Dragons' trusts
the most and who he relies most heavily on for feedback. If a new
policy has to be made when Dragons is offline, they will make it and
short of Dragons modifying it later, that will be Syndicate law going
forward. While the need for new policies, after so many years as a
guild and being so well established, is rare, the message here is the
advisors are the big dogs, so members need to listen to them like they
would listen to Dragons.
Squad Leaders
Squad leaders are promoted by Dragons. Each squad leader manages a
group of members on a day to day basis. Squad Leaders are integral in
the feedback process that sets new guild policy. Squad leaders speak
with Dragons' voice when he is not online and are empowered to act
within and enforce all guild rules. This means if a rule is broken, for
example, that results in removal and a squad leader is online, the
member will be removed. They can appeal to Dragons later but it is rare
that Dragons reverses a decision since part of the squad leader role is
ensuring that each SL is a trustworthy, well respected member that will
act within the rules of the guild at all times. Squad leaders cannot
set new policy or chose to ignore or not follow some rules, but do have
full authority to enforce and act upon all rules and policy.
Other Leadership Roles
Other leadership roles do exist within the guild and are often game
specific. For example, the role of Battle Captain is a pvp leadership
role from the UO team. The role of Raid Commander was a role born in EQ
and carried over into WoW
and as the name implies, led our raids. Each role has a defined set of
authority and limits to what it can and cannot do as well as its
defined place in the chain of command.
Alliances With Other Guilds
Requesting An Alliance
Alliances within gaming are often not needed and more of a mental thing
rather than having any tangible impact on the game itself. The
Syndicate does not engage in such alliances. We do, however, form
strategic alliances with guilds when there is a compelling, mutual
interest or goal and there is clear benefit to both guilds to do so. We
only ally with like-minded guilds and never form alliances with those
who's values and practices are not ones we can support. If a guild
would like to discuss an alliance an email can be sent
with the information about your guild and why the alliance makes sense
for both yourself and for The Syndicate. An officer will get back to
you within 24hours.
Yearly Syndicate Conference
What Is It?
Every year since 2002, The Syndicate has held an annual Syndicate World
Conference. A new city is picked each year and members from around the
world meet there for several days of fun, seeing games in development
and in discussing and planning the guild's future. These events are
attended by a great many members and we often invite a developer or two
to attend and tell us about their game (most often those are games we
are seriously considering for future migrations and this is a chance to
learn more about them and talk to the developers 1 on 1 about the
game). Our conferences are the largest single guild gathering in the
history of online gaming. And, from a guild perspective, these are the
single greatest event we do. Members who attend the conferences leave
with many new friends and a much stronger bond with the guild as a
whole that enhances their gaming experience in a very tangible way. We
highly encourage all members who can possibly attend, to plan to be
there each year.
Contacting The Syndicate
How To Email Thanks/Compliments
Syndicate is known around the gaming world for doing many great things.
It is not uncommon for players to come up to Syndicate members and ask
them to hold items for them while they login other chars to transfer
them too. When asked why they feel they can trust the person, the
typical response is "well you are Syndicate so I know I can trust you".
We are also known for running many public events for players or in
helping players get 'flagged' or 'keyed' to continue on into areas of a
game they might not normally be able to do. If someone has helped you
out and you wish to pass along some thanks to them or to the guild in
general, please feel free to do so using the form off the menu bar above.
How To Report A Grievance
If you have a grievance against The Syndicate, or against a specific
member of The Syndicate, we have a method for reporting those so that
they can be investigated and action taken as required. To report a
grievance either against the guild as a whole or against a member please use the Contact Us form
at the top of this page.
Please be sure to include your name, all the details of the incident
(date & time, location in game, all the details on what happened
etc..) and what game the issue took place in. DO NOT send file
attachments. Emails with file attachments are deleted before ever being
read or downloaded. However, if you DO have screenshots or other
information that would need to be attached, that can shed more light or
show the facts of the issue, please mention that in your email. Those
will likely be requested in order to clearly show the facts and
eliminate interpretation of the facts from clouding the core issue. We
take ALL issues that affect our guild image VERY seriously. We seek to
only project a mature, professional, friendly image and to ensure we
are adding value to the gaming communities we participate in.
Miscellaneous Information
Supporting The Community
The Syndicate believes strongly in being a positive influence in the
community. We encourage members to become involved the community and to
have a positive impact on it. We recognize those members that do become
involved and go above and beyond simply "playing games" for
entertainment. The Syndicate is more than a group of people who are playing
online games. We are a virtual community and seek to have a positive
influence on the world around us.