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The Syndicate
Guild of the Month: The Syndicate Posted Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 5:44PM by Div Devlin |
The Syndicate Starting
out the New Year (a little late) our featured guild, and guild of the
month award goes out to a long established gaming guild, known
throughout the games they are part of, for the call of "LLTS!"
Established in the Ultima Online Beta as one of the premier guilds on
the Atlantic shard, chaptering into games such as EverQuest, and
Asherons Call, not only is it a premier guild for members but also one
of the largest gaming groups on the net with players.
Syndicate, is not just an everyday guild that climbs to the top of the
mountain, they are renown for the hosting of events and giving back to
the community of players with focused events, contests and combat. Many
players, not in LLTS would look for contests in Ultima Online where
they would be given a chance to win a small house or other noted items.
would hear of the LLTS! War machine marching on a dungeon to clean out
the pk's mounting a defense and succumb to the sheer organizational
skills and numbers of The Syndicate.
Featured in many articles and newspapers the Syndicate which can be found on their history
section, only recruits only mature, team oriented, dedicated, friendly
people with a professional attitude. Many were the days that guilds
would gather and plan for days on raiding the Arx Draconis Island, a
city to itself in UO's Atlantic shard where the Syndicate made home.
A guild definitely worth a 10 rating, and our featured guild of the month, I look forward to gaming with them in Shadowbane.
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CHEATING IN MMORPG* Posted Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 4:58PM by Div Devlin |
Gol from Shadowbane.fr
has a good rant up about how you can deal with cheating in mmorpg's and
stop the game being ruined for yourself and other players. In it he
starts with: That's
quite an issue indeed, but, being quite irritated by what's happening
by now on AC, let me make some fuss about that, so I'm sure everyone
Cheat - Bug - Exploit - Macro, those 4 terms cover
the different ways to "crook the game". Indeed, let's imagine, for
example, that some clever dick just find out how to stop losing HP
anymore. Well, we surely understand the unbalance with the other
players, who won't be in on it. Besides, once that "trick" become well
known, everyone will go using it, so forcing the dev guys to intervene
as they hear their game has been "twisted". Stop over and give the translated version a read.
Action Trip Retracts SB Preview Posted Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 4:38PM by Div Devlin |
For those of you who may of missed it, Action Trip a "Gaming News and Attitudes" site did a review of Shadowbane
that was so off the mark, clueless and based on no concientious effort
to actually like, you know...READ OR LEARN ABOUT THE GAME, posted the
following a few days back about the review they did: It
seems that we had some major fuckups in this article (some of the
information on the game was flat-out wrong). Needless to say, we've
removed the Shadowbane first look off the server, and I'm right now
trying to throw the rookie editor that wrote it from the 10th floor to
see if the rotting crack-addict can bounce off the ground. I'm also
trying to ram a spiked plank with my head, as some sort of punishment.
Wait, there he goes...
OOPS, sorry man... He obviously can't bounce.
again we deeply apologize to our readers for this cock up, and we'll
MAKE SURE such mistakes (as far as the integrity of the information we
post in our articles) don't happen again.
Sincerely yours, Uros Jojic Editor-in-Chief
The original article has been ganked from their front page news, and no
word of the retraction can befound except on the orginal location of
the review here: Shadowbane Preview[Return to Top]
Guild List: The Night Masks Posted Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 4:00PM by Div Devlin |
Nightmasks Abbreviation: NM
Guild Description: The
Nightmasks are an organization of adventurers, ruffians and murderers.
Our main objective is to further ourselves and extend our sphere of
influence wherever we find ourselves.
Warfare and assassinations
are crucial to the Nightmasks plan of influence and members are highly
encouraged to take part in the art of murder. As assassins, the Masks
are always willing to sell their services to the highest bidders. Any
Mask member may be petitioned to perform a job, and it is up to that
individual Mask to determine whether to accept the terms of the
contract or not.
In its beginnings the Nightmasks were primarily
an Assassin's guild. We still harbor many professional assassins, but
our goals are broader these days. As a Nightmask one seeks to further
his/her name and standing in the community through services to
customers and devotion to fellow Nightmasks.
The Mask Creed Guild,
Honor, Class - This is the way all Masks prioritize the way they
behave. The Guild and its members come first and foremost, our Honor
comes second, and Class runs a close third, as all Masks carry
themselves with dignity and style befitting a professional warrior,
wizard, or assassin.
Guild History: The Nightmasks were first
formed between 1991&1992 on America Online. We existed primarily as
a guild of Assassins in the original Neverwinter Nights.
Nightmasks have evolved over the years, especially since NWN's
destruction in July of 1997. Since then, we briefly existed on Ultima
Online on the Lake Superior server, where we engaged in wholesale
slaughter for a time.
When UO turned out to be a vast
disappointment, we left our holdings and avatars and came to the world
of EverQuest, in the hopes that it would serve a better and less
stressful distraction until a more suitable world could be found.
Guild Motto: Evil With Style
Guild Review: The Night Masks are to assassins what the Spirit Lurkers
are to thieves. One of the oldest guilds in online gaming, they have
perfected the art of taking your money, and killing your victims.
Sometimes they take on the role not only for cash, but also for
political reason their own, and many has the guilds been that fell prey
to the destructive force of a Night Mask Assassin. Rating: 10
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Guild List: The Combine Posted Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 3:53PM by Div Devlin |
The Combine Guild Description: The
Combine is a collective army. We are combined to fulfill individual
goals as a team. Advancement as a unit is our primary objective, since
all other goals are more easily attainable with power. The Combine Way
is one of sharing and enlightened self-interest. Sharing with a
guildmate is an investment in a person that will grow more powerful
more quickly and will be there to help the rest when the time comes.
The Combine Way is not easy, each individual ends up contributing more
than they get back materially at first, but it's proven to succeed with
We are PvP oriented. Many of our members do roleplay but it's not an overall guild focus.
Guild History: We
are a global gaming guild. We are not restricted to a single game. Our
background includes EQ, UO, AC, MUDs, and First Person Shooters like
Half-Life, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, etc.
Guild Motto: Combined to fulfill individual goals as a team.
Guild Review: The
Combine has been a long established entity in gaming, known for their
military style action in organization they have secured a name for
themselves in EQ. Currently their web site is down, but from prior
knowledge of this guild, they are a group that can do what it takes,
and succeed. Rating: 8 (At this Time)
Site Update: Posted Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 3:48PM by Div Devlin |
Down time is good, it allows one to work on things that need to be fixed. Corrections
and tweaks were made to the back-end Cgi's, broken links have been
fixed, and the most current files have been uploaded to the downloand
section, including the zipped movies from Character Creation Week.
Thanks also to J, from SB Crossroads for pointing out that The Frost Horde has a new website location, which was not updated.
to the volume of down time we had, we will not be doing a summary of
news already posted on other sites, our apology and we now resume with
our regular schedule.
Div Devlin Site Admin [Return to Top]
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