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Glimpse of the Past
Astromech Dragon
Reged: 08/15/07
Posts: 3
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This week Avari Press released Legend of The Syndicate by Sean
Stalzer, famously known as the Guild Master Dragons. For those that
don’t know, The Syndicate is one of, if not the oldest guilds in the
world of online gaming today. Having been a working and unified guild
since the beginning of the online gaming trend ten years ago, Dragons
and his guild were present at the birth of what is now an international
phenomenon with 8 million players in games as diverse as they are
exciting. Writing from this viewpoint, Dragons creates an atmosphere of
a seasoned camp fire story teller, ready at a moments notice to spin a
tale of wondrous worlds that he not only was a part of, but helped
steer and create with programmers and multi national companies alike.
The book focuses on how the guild was born, and how through a strict
regimen of rules, standards, and friendship The Syndicate became the
torchbearers for the burgeoning online world.
Sean Stalzer began The Syndicate more than ten years ago after
dealing with less than satisfactory “guilds”, which were not much more
than people playing the same game and wanted the benefits without any
demands or consequences. Sean, creating the moniker Dragons, decided
that the only way to get the most out of any online game was to create
a group of people that were defined by creed and friendship, not level
or current quest. He understood that a true guild was for life, and
demanded both passion and dedication from everyone who joined. This
paid off tremendously in games like Ultima Online, where the Syndicate
grew in fame and power, taking on lesser guilds and greater threats
than any other group of adventurers in Britania. The book tells an
intriguing behind the scenes look at the growth of the online gaming
format, and how input from gamers like the Syndicate helped mold and
shape the virtual worlds we play in today.
Legend of The Syndicate’s real shining moments are when the author
describes the history of the gaming world seen through the eyes of his
guild. Testing fledgling games like Everqeust and World of Warcraft,
their input was invaluable to programmers and game creators. The
camaraderie in the guild itself was inspirational, as many members are
now life long friends and some have even found spouses in their guild
mates. The book is written in a time line format, from the beginning of
the guild with Dragons and just a few others, to the most sturdy and
populated guild in existence. While an intriguing history of the online
gaming, the book could have benefited from some general editing. The
author switches between first and third person, causing confusion and
losing the thread of continuity in the writing. Overall, this book is
an interesting history lesson about MMO’s and a starting guide to what
it takes to create an online group with real staying power. Putting
aside its sophomoric writing and sometimes fragmented ideas and
chapters, Legend of The Syndicate is a quick and informative read that
gives an insight into the most successful online gaming guild in the
-Adam Bleeker for Markee Dragon news
The book can be found at Amazon
Edited by Alexandra (08/21/07 06:39 AM)

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