The Syndicate added DnD campaigns to our guild offerings 5 years ago. We have now run a single campaign for 5 years with many groups all adventuring in the same world towards the same end goal but in their own semi-unique ways. Each year around SyndCon, that season's campaign culminates in a large event where the groups converge and defeat the 'boss' of that season to advance the plot to the next one. At the end of Season 5, we looked across our dozens of members engaged in DnD and updated our approach. We launched DnD 2.0. Within that framework we now support many different games such as Star Trek and Star Wars. We also support multiple different DnD campaigns from 'flash' campaigns lasting only a few weeks, to long term campaigns that will last years. Using our Discord server we built a model that can support many differnet play styles and even allows us to bring in guests (i.e. non-members) to those campaigns so we can maximize the fun that our members are having while growing our friendships that are the core of what makes us successful.