KingsIsle Visits Syndcon!

Tom Purdue, our Community Communication and Public Relations Manager, was able to visit a group of professional gamers known as the Syndicate Guild to catch them up on all things KingsIsle. Read on for more information about his experience at Syndcon.
Two weeks ago it was my pleasure to meet with the Syndicate Guild for their annual Syndcon convention in Orlando, Florida. What’s the Syndicate Guild? Only the longest running Guild in existence! That’s right, they were there at the dawn of the term MMO, and they’re still going strong!
The Syndicate loves the games they play, whether it’s Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, or even Wizard101 and Pirate101. Members of the Syndicate understand what makes an MMO tick and provide valuable feedback to members of the gaming industry.
On hand at the convention were a few industry professionals, including myself, to present the state of their games and discuss the futures of their companies. I was truly honored to be among such a wealth of videogame history and knowledge. KingsIsle was there to do two things, 1- Provide awesome Pirate101 and Wizard101 posters and Crowns Codes for the Syndicate’s annual charity raffle and 2- Catch the Syndicate up on the state of KingsIsle.
Outside of casual conversation with the guild members throughout the conference, I gave a presentation that talked about the past two years of Wizard101 and Pirate101 and even gave a live demonstration of Fishing in Wizard101! (I’m happy to demonstrate my fishing skills of catching Frost Dekoi whenever I have a captive audience ;).) I also mentioned some of our other games that are still in development – but not by name and not with specifics – as we’re not quite ready to reveal too much about these projects just yet. The good news for us is that members of The Syndicate are interested in helping us test our new projects when the time comes! (When it comes time to test new games, we rely heavily on our friends, family, professional gamers like the Syndicate, and our stalwart fans.)
The Syndicate Guild has been a valuable partner with KingsIsle for testing Wizard101 and Pirate101 in the past, and we’re excited to have them numbered among our players. Speaking of which, it was great to see so many people enjoying Wizard101 and Pirate101 alongside other games in their Alienware-filled game room that was constantly running videogames all day long, every day of the convention. (Now that’s my kind of convention!)
A good time was had by all, and thanks to the Syndicate for inviting us to Syndcon 2014! LLTS!