The Classifieds: The Syndicate marks 14 years of gaming
Kudos to The Syndicate, the oldest continuously operating online gaming community, on marking its 14th anniversary. The Syndicate includes a robust WoW Horde community on Zul'jin. With more than 625 active members, The Syndicate prides itself on a lack of turnover and drama, claiming that more than 550 of its members have been with the guild more than year.
Highlights of its 14-year history:
- Charitable work for Youth Opportunities Unlimited, The American Cancer Society and support for deployed military personnel
- "Legend of The Syndicate," a book covering their first 10 years
- Featured in MMO documentary "Second Skin" and plans to be featured in the upcoming documentary about Richard Garriott
- Annual conferences attended by members, game developers and PC hardware manufacturers, including sponsorship from game developers allowing 200+ members to attend the 2010 conference
- A studio for Prima Games print media strategy guides
- Trademarking The Syndicate name and incorporating the guild
- Numerous consulting opportunities in MMO development
- Featured in more than 75 internet articles, three books, more than a dozen print magazines and numerous newspaper articles
Kudos to The Syndicate on its longevity and continuing contributions to building a vibrant online gaming community.
SINisterWyvern Feb 24th 2010 3:09PM
I was able to join them in EQ just before they left the game to come to WoW, lol.
I still have the TS stein up on my desk.

Sl0th Feb 24th 2010 4:39PM
old Atlantic shard. I miss playing there back in the day. Never joined
up with Syndicate myself and opted to instead to join other, now
long-dead guilds. But I certainly remember them being all over the
Glad posted about them. It's kinda nice to hear they still exist after all these years.

Tyrrax Feb 24th 2010 4:15PM
remember The Syndicate from my days on Tarew Marr. Probably one of the
largest guilds I've ever seen. They were famous for running zerg raids
before the 84 man limit (that's right 84) was imposed during Planes of
I saw them as a guild that was a little too big numbers wise. How can you be close knit with so many people?
Oh my god. Wow.
This is seriously insane. I was in the Syndicate TEN years ago back when I played Ultima Online on Atlantic. Holy hell. It is quite insane that they are still active.
Seriously even considering re-applying and transferring now.
Memories, man.